
Implementation of various roof coverings Suitable for all places

Implementation of the cover means complete work from the beginning to the end. Due to the fact that Noorgiran manufacturing company is the producer itself and also due to the importance of the quality of work in the implementation of the coatings, the utmost accuracy and quality are achieved. The implementation includes the following steps and services:

  • Detailed and principled design
  • Installation of all equipment and supplies
  • Isolation and routing of water
  • Final test and ensure there are no leaks

While performing all the above steps, the necessary arrangements with the customer have been made so that the final output of the work is completely in accordance with the consumer’s taste.

The importance of proper implementation


The importance of the correct implementation of the quality coverage of the production of bubble skylights, polycarbonate sheets and telephone kiosks is a very important issue, but if the quality principles are not followed during the execution of the work, the final output of the work can be disappointing and not provide the desired output to the customer.

Implementation process

  • Providing the best plan


    At first, according to the environmental conditions, the best and most appropriate way to use the cover is selected and designed.

  • Installation and ironing


    In this step, the required hardware is prepared and fiberglass and bubble skylight or polycarbonate sheet or kiosk are installed.

  • Isolation and testing


    At this stage, sealing is done first, and then the entire work is checked for leakage and the necessary tests are applied.


Customer satisfaction from correct implementation

The best criterion for measuring the performance of a production and service company is the opinions that are reflected by customers. In the following, some of our customers’ opinions are included in the field of quality implementation of projects. We also request you to always make us benefit from your valuable opinions.

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